Uncompromised vision for the over 40s!

Stop Renting & Own Your Vision Today!


Been told that laser eye surgery won't get rid of your reading glasses?

Not by us you haven't!

We are the only practice in Western Australia with the expertise and technology to offer this cutting edge laser vision correction technology!

Refuse to let your vision interfere with your lifestyle!

Do you struggle reading small print? Are you increasing the font on your phone? All of these things are part of a natural aging change known as presbyopia. For most people who have lived with perfect eyesight for all their life, this will occur around the age of 40 to 45.

PRESBYOND will wind back the clock and restore your vision to all its former clarity.

Smiling woman in green shirt

No more searching for reading glasses

With Presbyond you'll never have to worry about those misplaced reading glasses. 

No more embarrassingly large text message fonts

You know EXACTLY what we are talking about here!

No more having to guess what's on the menu

There's nothing worse than having to dig out your reading glasses, or worse, borrow a friend's pair just to see the menu or wine list.

"Just because it's what nature has intended does't mean you have to accept it!"

Presbyond uses the world's most advanced lasers combined with world leading eye surgeons to give you uncompromised vision at all distances. With cutting edge optics individually customised to the precise measurements of your eyes, we can take the defects caused by the natural process of aging and enhance your vision to see clearly from near to infinity!  When was the last time you were able to read and watch tv without glasses?


We can’t stop the aging process. But contrary to what you may have heard, laser eye surgery can counter the effects of requiring reading or multifocal glasses. Other surgeons in Perth are forced to resort to synthetic lenses, inserted surgically into the eye or provide an inferior type of laser vision correction known as MONO- vision. Crystal Eye and Laser Centre is the only WA centre who has the expertise and technology to provide PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision.  Presbyond allows most patients to reduce their dependency on reading glasses.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, available exclusively at Crystal Eye and Laser Centre, adjusts each eye in different ways. One eye is adjusted to focus mostly at distance, and a little close-up, while the other is the opposite: mostly up close and a little at distance. Vision thus "blends" continuously from near to distance . The brain soon adapts, combining the two eyes to give much greater depth of vision and an all-round improvement in visual acuity, and meaning that most patients can throw away those pesky reading glasses. 

Over 98% of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision patients can read normal newsprint (‘N8’).

Over 90% of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision patients can read the small print on medicine bottle inserts.

The brain soon adapts to this system, combining the two images so that you can once again see both near and far without effort. In most cases, the brain is able to compensate, giving you excellent depth of focus and overall visual acuity, without glasses or contact lenses.

So if you wear reading glasses, multifocals or bifocals, we can almost certainly help. To find out more, contact us today to speak to our Patient Care Coordinators.

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PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is much more effective and easier to adapt to than monovision- an archaic method of giving patients some form of spectacle independence. Monovision uses contact lenses (or older and less sophisticated laser systems) to make one eye focus solely for close up, and one eye focus solely for distance. This is a far less sophisticated solution suitable for only around 50% of patients. In comparison, studies have shown that PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is suitable for 97% of people.

So, while we may not be able to stop the ageing process in its tracks, we can make it much more comfortable and convenient for almost everyone.


PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision gives excellent distance, intermediate and reading vision using both eyes without needing glasses. We perform a highly sophisticated laser treatment with LASIK.  Both eyes are treated to induce what is known as spherical aberrations. Spherical aberrations are natural optical phenomena that every eye has.  PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision enhances these natural spherical aberrations to create a "blended zone"; thereby giving the patient excellent near to distance vision with both eyes.    The benefit is that we do not operate on the inside of the eye and it’s completely reversible either with a pair of glasses or with further laser treatment.

Why do we not perform MONO-vision but rather PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision?

When a patient has MONO-vision, one eye is focussed solely on distance and the other at either near or intermediate vision. There is no “blend zone” where vision overlaps and patients have to choose between good near or intermediate vision- not both. The reason for this is because MONO-vision induces a “blur-zone as illustrated below:

Visual representation of blur zones

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is completely different in the sense that there is an overlap of vision creating a “blend zone”. This enables a patient to have clear vison at all ranges as illustrated below and is a far more superior and sophisticated treatment for presbyopia.

Visual representation of blend zones

But what if I have cataracts?

Not a problem!

Presbyond is often combined with cataract surgery in a procedure exclusive to Crystal Eye & Laser called ComBO (Combined Blended Vision Operations)

Learn about ComBO

We are experts &

will give you a clarity of vision you never thought possible!

As leaders in the refractive surgery industry, we can treat the widest range of vision problems.

Been told you aren't suitable for laser eye surgery and you are stuck wearing glasses for the rest of your life? Come talk to us!

We've got the knowledge, skills, and technology you need to throw away those glasses and contact lenses which are holding you back! 

How It Works

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, email, or via the contact form.

2. Tell us about yourself

Let us get to know a bit about yourself and your lifestyle. 

3. Come in for an evaluation

Based on your eyes and your needs we'll tailor an individual solution. 

4. Get rid of your glasses

In less than 60 seconds per eye you can say goodbye to your glasses forever!


Enjoy the world in perfect clarity!

Meet your laser eye surgeon

Dr Lourens 

Dr Lourens van Zyl

Cataract & Laser Refractive Surgery

Dr Lourens is the principal opthalmologist at Crystal Eye & Laser Centre. He is a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and completed his Ophthalmology training in Adelaide, South Australia. He holds fellowships from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa and The European Board of Ophthalmology.

He has special interest in Laser Eye Surgery and advanced Vision Correction surgery including cataracts. He has post graduate fellowships in Advanced Corneal and Anterior segment surgery and Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Following his post graduate fellowships Dr Lourens completed a 1 year post graduate diploma followed by a 3-year Master’s degree in Cataract and Laser Eye Surgery through the University of Sydney.

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